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My Love

  You came so swiftly  like a light wind and swirled around me. Rather than running away I welcomed you, cauz i didn't know it would  become something permanent I walked towards you carelessly. I had my shell to protect me. And my memories to stop me. But slowly, the shell cracked.  Something stirred in me. The strange beating of heart, blood pulsing, the warm feeling I got scared at first. It felt good but what if it ends, like last time or even worse. But you created something between us so special "I love you." I typed with teary eyes and read your reply with the tear flowing down. I know. Stupid. Right? And you kept on filling my heart. Weird to know but in pain your name is on my lips. In happiness your name comes to my me. Sitting ideally, you occupy my mind. Not a single day i spend without calling you.  Is it normal? Am i falling too deep? Why your smile is stuck in my mind? And why I find it so calming? Why I stare at my hand and remember when you kissed it? Why

My Revenge, Your Love - Fallen For You ( Chapter 6)

 Almost a week ago , I promised Tin to never leave his side and since that day , he seemed  glued to me . He drives me everywhere , he waits for me after the classes , he messages and call me every time . We go on dates.  He buys stuffs for me .  Whenever he gets a chance , he kisses me , either taking me by surprise or sometime slowly ...making me week   by his weird jestures .  He often hugs me . He says that 'I am like an oxygen' to him . Once he said that 'I taste sweet.' which made me so embarrassed that I couldn't focus on anything else that day .  He not only kisses me on lips but wherever he likes to .  If we are holding hands , he kisses on my wrist and when we are sitting close he likes to kiss me on my cheek .

The day before yesterday , we went for shopping  , I was in the trial room when Tin sneaked  into the room behind me saying that he would help me. While I was changing the shirt , his hands swiftly snaked around my waist from back which sent chills to my spine . I wriggled in his arms . His hands were warm . Those burning  sensation on my body was enough to excite butterflies in my stomach.  He kissed on my shoulder.
Another day we were in a cafe . I ordered a cold coffee and he ordered an espresso . He sat beside me though I urged him to sit in front . I got  froth moostache and Tin said he would help me to clean it so I just turned my face towards him and that guy sucked my lips ..........and he didn't stop kissing me till I forcefully separated him. 
And many other such incidents happened in past few days. We were practically behaving like a couple , though I never made an official statement , still surprisingly I was happy . Yeah right , I am happy . I am happy with Tin . Who would have thought that a guy like me , will enjoy such sweet moments?  I have become a totally different person around him. Mostly I act weird because I get too shy but try not to show and keeps up a steady character or at least try to do so.
Gosh thinking about him so much is not good for me. I nearly forgot about Ae's match. It's pretty late so I must sleep now.  After my class I'll go and cheer for my friend tomorrow.

Next Day.
Tin's car is here . Well it's kind of nice of him to pick me up everyday , but I don't feel right . I am not a kid. I can go myself , plus I don't want him to see me as a trouble , he has to take care of . Sometimes I feel it's a bit bothering for Tin.  Anyways , he is already here so for now I am gonna ride my Chariot.

I stepped in the car to be welcomed by Tin's beautiful smile .

"You had your breakfast ?"

"Yeah ." I am still a bit shy in front of him . He caressed my cheek .

"Your skin........... it's  very soft , like a Tofu."

I just looked at him.  Like always he has his little,  kind smile on his face. Now I know that he didn't have lots of expressions to show his bright , positive mood.  Just a genuine smile is a sign that he is happy .

" We gonna be late if you don't drive now ."

He chuckled.   "Yeah."

I am waiting for this lecture to end . I don't want to miss Ae's match . I have to cheer  for my friend . My mind is literally occupied by match only .  It's a boring lecture anyway.  I just want it to end as soon as possible  . Only 5 minutes left for match to start .
"That's all for today . Next day you all must submit your project ."
Teacher left the class.

I gathered all my energy and ran at a high speed towards the stadium . I was present there exactly on time .  Pond waved so that I could spot him .

"Ai Can , match has just started . I reserved a seat for you .'"

"thank you..............Pond ............". I was breathless . I took a moment .

"Are you ok ?" Pete asked . He was sitting at the other side of Pond and at last Good was sitting. .

"Yeah .......Yeah .. . i'm fine ." I settled down beside Pond .

Match started . Starting was a bit sloppy for Ae's Team . Pete was worried . He was cheering with all his might . Soon the game turned on Ae's side . He took lead by two goals . He was at his full form . I and Pond noticed Ae giving smiles to his beloved . If he could he would have sent a butterfly kiss . Anyhow we all were cheering for him and he was performing good . We were in between the match when I felt a vibration in my pocket . I ignored it. For now it's just the match. 

But the phone kept vibrating , it was Damn irritating . I took out the phone and saw Tin's messages asking where I am? Oh No !  He must be waiting for me after the class . I forgot to inform him about the match.  Immediately I messaged him .

*Don't wait for me . I am at the stadium watching the match .*

*Can , I want to meet you .*

* I am cheering for my friend.*

*  then I am coming there *

* No , I only want to concentrate on  Ae right now *

I waited for a reply but Nada so I turned my focus to the match . The opposite team had the lead . One of the players of Ae's team was injured . A replacement joined them . The match twas terrific after that . He and Ae confused the opponent's and passed the ball to another player and he made a goal .


Game was at a good  point . Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder .  I looked up ,
Pond , Pete and Good also looked up.

"  you are also here to watch the match . You want to join us?" Pete asked.

"No.  I just need to talk to him."

He  grabbed my hand and before I could say anything he dragged me out of the stadium.

"Tin ! Wait !" I tried to stop him. I tried to free myself but no result.  He kept on dragging me until we reached the the locker room . He closed the door from inside . He then turned towards me.  What's with that expression? Why did he bring me all the way here? .......................Tin walked towards me , pushed me until I was caged between him and the locker .  He pressed my shoulder . He doesn't seem to be in a good mood right now . He is angry . But why?  His stare is scaring me now.
"Tin.............." I dared to speak. "............. is something wrong?"

" Is he more important to you than me?"


"Why you want to concentrate on that guy ? You must focus on me . Just me."

" Tin !...........what are you saying?"

" Do you love him?"

"What ?"

"You said you won't betray me."

"TIN! WAIT!"  I shouted .
He stopped firing his questions .

"He is my friend.  I just went to cheer for him  and you already know that Ae and Pete are together.  How can I betray you. I don't love him ............."

"Then , do you love me?" he asked.

I was taken aback. We were behaving like a couple but it never was sure if we were dating or just hanging out cause I never made it clear.

" Can , do you love me?"  I stared at him trying to make him realise what my answer is but I think he wants me to say it . He wants to hear it.
" Can !........"

"Yes......I love you."  I confessed I literally said it. Oh god i said it .
Tin smiled.

" What? I can't hear ."  He moved back and inch releasing me from the Trap and mocked me with that question .

I know I spoke softly  , still we were very close . Of course you heard it . But if he didn't then this time I have to make sure he listens to me I leaned forward , arched  myself up ,  placed hands on Tin's shoulder for support and kissed him   .

Tin was a bit shocked or I should say surprised by my confession . But soon he dominated .  He pushed me against the locker and kissed me intensely . He bit my lips asking for the entrance which i allowed . His hands hurriedly undid the buttons of my shirt . He moved to neck . He was sucking and leaving sloppy kisses . But also made sure not to leave any marks as I told him "No ....Hickey" ................
I could feel his tongue all over my neck . My legs , I couldn't feel them . I'm too weak to stand straight . I held on Tin's shirt for support .
"nnggghhh.........................." Gosh it's not me anymore . I heard Tin chuckle.

He was now undoing my pants . Suddenly the thought strike my mind that we are still in Uni . We can't do it here . "Tin .........stop..........."
I tried to push him , but .....................
"nnggghhh ..................Tin ...........stop , we can't....................."


"We can't ........we are at Uni .........."

Finally he stopped . I guess he was also unaware of the fact . He looked at me . "I'll wait then."

I smiled shyly . I want to act tough but can't help it . I just let myself loose for now . I looked down and nodded . He kissed my cheek softly and smiled .

 Thanku for reading. ^^


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